About United Effects
United Effects is an enterprise advisory and SaaS technology company that equips your business with innovative tools and strategies to streamline your mergers & acquisition-fueled growth.
Our vision
We believe in a world where there are no barriers for businesses to deliver the highest and most value to their customers.
Our mission
To unlock the full potential of acquisitions by seamlessly integrating new products and technologies, aligning market positions, and fostering innovation to drive sustainable growth and exceptional customer value.
Our principles
Craftsmanship fosters innovation
We dedicate ourselves to the highest quality of craftsmanship in every solution we build, ensuring reliability and excellence.
Trust parallels transparency
Our commitment to trustworthiness is demonstrated through clear, honest communication and open practices.
Curiosity fuels growth
We foster a culture of curiosity and continuous learning, believing that every challenge is an opportunity for innovation.
Optimism inspires possibilities
Our optimistic outlook inspires both our team and our partners, driving forward-thinking solutions in all we do.
United Effects was founded by technology and business leaders with decades of B2B enterprise experience and a deep understanding of the organizational shifts that enable daring M&A-driven growth objectives.
Bo Motlagh
Founder & CEO
20 years leading innovative technology and growth at TEKsystems, Frontline Education, and Vertex Inc.
Josh Smith
Co-founder & CPO
20 years of product & design across brand, CX, and UX at Elexio, Frontline Education, and Vertex Inc.
Jason Koch
Co-founder & Infrastructure
20 years scaling globally available SaaS at Lockheed Martin, McKesson, Frontline Education, and Vanguard
Chris Betz
Co-founder & Advisor
20 years scaling healthcare startups to exit at Take Care Health, New Ocean Health, and Brightside Health
Our Advisory Council comprises esteemed industry leaders whose invaluable wisdom and expertise guide and empower our strategic decisions, ensuring United Effects remains at the forefront of innovation and excellence.
Neal Sarraf
Seasoned founder, angel investor, Managing Director at Forum Ventures
David Henkin
Entrepreneur, adjunct professor, and 14 years as Chief Innovation Officer guiding Vertex Inc. to cloud native SaaS and IPO
Lohit Lakshman
Business dev executive and digital transformation leader, AOL, MetricStream, TEKsystems, Wipro, Atos, and Mphasis
Jenna Watson-Brown
Industry expert in B2B technology sales. Strategic business development executive and founder-led startup advisor.
Lisha Davis
Innovation leader, adjunct professor, founder of Pave, founder of Arable Ventures, founder of Antler, and investor
Allen Born
Industry leader in technology investment banking, Director at Fairmount Partners
John Viglione
Founder of Quantumreg, consultant, and strategic technology executive who helped grow Vertex Inc. to a multi-billion dollar IPO
Matt Hildenbrand
Executive, board member, with multiple exits/IPOs at QA Associates, TEKsystems, Frontline Education, & Vertex Inc.
Job opportunities
There are no hiring opportunities currently available.
Although we currently aren't hiring, we'd still love to get to know you. Send us your story and information to hr@unitedeffects.com and we'll connect!
Let's unite.